What you want

What do you want in a family? A pattern. A routine. Two way communication.

A pattern that won't disappear just because the people inside the family are no longer a kid. A routine that would guide every single member of the family into their managed life, with clear direction and destinations. Communications that eases the needs that each person had in the house. Rules that keep everything in place, which would adjust as the time goes by, following every growth that happened there. Care for each other, doesn't mean that it is equal to zero argument because conflicts are important, too. 

Argue because we try to find the balance for all, with the healthiest way possible. Giving input for each other, which would build this home even stronger. Maintaining good relationships with others, not only family by blood but also outside the house. I wanted to build a family so strong yet so warm and supportive, to be the best environment for each of us to grow into the best version of ourselves, according to what Allah wants. Allah knows what's best for us. He always does.

Banyumas, 23rd of December 2023

Feeling distant with everything, somehow


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