It's me


And I find myself (again), plotting for the unpredictables. Even tho I still have no idea what or who I will end up with. But for sure, I'm preparing little by little. A counselor of mine once said, if something seems to be so big on your mind, try to take baby steps. Small steps, barely unrecognizable by bare eyes, but it's there. Even when nobody's noticing, it indeed is there. Even when I feel like it is ridiculous and embarrassing, I will do it anyway. Because no one will promise me a dream of rainbows and butterflies, if it's not me myself. So, I gotta be independent. Just prepare for everything, for the best and yet the worst as well. I know Allah believes that I'm able to do hard things, so I decided to believe myself about that, too. I'm going to be my biggest supporter. Wish me luck, and watch me bloom.

Banyumas, 23rd of December 2023
The sun has just set.


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