Sweet notes

Do you know that I love making sweet notes? 

I make them on different occasions

It can be someone's special day; like birthdays, graduation, etc

Some of them are farewell notes, saying thank you and I love you

I think it's sweet when you see a friend's face lightened up as they go through those words you've arranged

Just like the way I love it when someone made one for me

But don't worry, one day I'll made you one, too

It might started as one, but I can't expect how many notes or letters I'm going to write for you in the future

Because, we will stay forever, right? 

And it will be different from notes I wrote for my friends

Because indeed, you're not one of them

Not my usual, typical friend

You're my friend of life, and to eternity

Kindly wait for the time that we'll meet

I promise I'll write you notes, maybe a lot of them

And please take care until we meet and be one


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