An all nighter 🦉

I often go through my twitter timeline, and found some of the threads that discuss about the danger that watching us, the young people, while we're having bad habit. What were the bad habits? You probably have read or heard about this. The habit of begadang, a.k.a sleep too late, well actually everything related to our bad rest management

Some of my friends are literally midnight owls, they became very active at night, being very productive. They do their assignment, or maybe study, or maybe have any chitchat with other, or just scrolling down their social media timeline. Ah I forgot, some are having korean drama marathon I suppose. Night is like their free time, and it's very long isn't it? I mean you have time from bada maghrib or isya.. Until the tahajud time 💀

Begadang might be fun but actually it's not good for our health. I often remind my friends about this because I don't want them to be sick (even tho I do begadang sometimes.. But not that I don't get any sleep). I mean, I had enough story about young people who's extremely ill or even passed away, just because their habit of begadang. I don't want to lose anyone, so all that I can do is reminding them, even tho they don't really listen

But yesterday, I never even imagine that I would pulled an all nighter, me being almost not sleeping at all. What's the matter? Well, I'm doing the discussion part of my group assignment the night before the due date. I hate to admit it but, yeah, I procrastinate doing it since I thought looking for references would be easy. Turns out it's not! I remember going back and forth on different websites and reading a lot of journals/articles that would suit my discussion on the mental health topic. 

Well, I consider myself lucky because one of my friends is still wide awake, doing her laundry. I just rambled that I haven't completed my assignment yet, and I'm really tired, since the last few weeks have been an exhausting one. I didn't get to rest properly. It's not that I don't have the time, but I'm still struggling with my not so good time management. I think I'm about to cry or just want to sleep at that time, but I really don't want to disappoint my friends by having my part incomplete in the morning. So I have this strong will to finish my part, whatever it takes. If I'm going to begadang or not sleeping at all, so be it. I don't want to be that useless friend on group assignment, I hate that feeling. Well, this is an example of bad time management folks, I hope you won't copy what I did. 

My friend just asked me to relax and doing the assignment one by one. I just noticed that I didn't do it one by one, but all over the place. I wasn't focused because I'm too overwhelmed with the fact that I would messed up everything if I haven't completed my part. She reminds me to take a deep breath, drink some water, istighfar, and continue working on the assignment. Fortunately I got better, I stopped for some minute to make an outline first so it will be easier for me to focus. I worked until it's already 4 am in the morning and I'm afraid that I would be sick if I don't get any sleep at all, so I decided to sleep even tho there's some parts that is still not complete yet. 

Well I woke up few hour later, immediately continue doing it because my friend are waiting for me so she can make the conclusion. Alhamdulillaah, I managed to complete it around 9 or 10 am. I told my group that I'm done and I asked them to check my work since it's like the core of our assignment. I just want to make sure that they are okay with it. And they said I did well, aaaa you don't know how relieved I am. Little did they know that I pulled an all nighter for this. 

My dorm friend suggested me to have a proper meal, because it tooks a lot of energy to have an all nighter. I agree with that, giving my body its right. After the brunch I actually planned to take a nap, maybe a long one because I'm sooooo freaking tired. But it turns out that I.. Watched a documentary on netflix with my friends. Bye bye my nap plan! Well it was a good documentary so I don't really regret it. I decided to take some sleep later at night

And let me tell you about people that I just met, they called themselves as geng surau. Yesterday they were distributing some paper of survey about shalat jamaah in our building. They wanted to have shalat jamaah together with the residents here, which is very good. I haven't take any shalat jamaah for some weeks since me and my room mate have our halangan in turn. And I longed to make some new friends, so here I go. I met 4 kakak from geng surau, and we have some chit chat after we had our shalat maghrib. They are so kind and to see some young women initiated shalat jamaah in a little surau just touched my heart. Isn't it so pure? I hope we can have jamaah together on the rest of my time here. 

And ya, I think maybe that's all from my long day doing this and that. At night there's actually a webinar but my eyes feels so heavy, I didn't make it till the end because I fell asleep, too tired too exhausted. And when I woke up, I managed to write all of the words that you read just now. This was inspired by catleya, who shared a snippet of her life on tumblr. And because I just had a long day, I decided to share it with you guys. Thanks for reading! 


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