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Hello, Dea. How you doin'?

2020 was an unexpected and tough year, good things and bad things happened. But, you can handle it with positivity, adn don't forget that Allah is the One who makes you able to do all of them.

It's like a roller coaster ride that has it's ups and downs, that makes me feel a lot of emotion and experience this year. You slowly became more human, I hope.

Sometimes it's hard to face the situation or even to face yourself. There's a lot of struggle you did there in 2020, and I'm very grateful you're around your loved ones. Well, it's really a roller coaster ride.

So, you found me here writing some words in english, expressing what I feel about this year, hoping that I can handle my sh*t together better in the next years. Just write it down.. nobody cares 'bout grammar.

The most important thing is the story itself, isn't it?

The 2020 Dea is writing and giving advice for 2021 Dea so she can do everything better, mindfully and happily. Please, just don't dissapoint yourself and make yourself (and people around you) proud of who you are.

I hope these words would strengthen you to face the future.

Banyumas, 25th of December 2020

2020 Dea (Asti Nadia Anindita)

Life is tough, but so are you


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