
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2022

Selamat tanggal dua satu Juni!

my dearest Kata mama, waktu kita gapengen nggarap sesuatu, bakal muncul 1001 alasan utk ga ngelakuin itu Sebenernya, mirip mirip sama bersyukur, kita selalu punya 1001 alasan untuk bersyukur. Soalnya nikmat Allah ngga ada habisnya, kita sendiri pun ga mampu buat ngitung semuanya Salah satu nikmat terbesar yg terus dea syukuri adalah, bahwa dea terlahir sebagai anak mama. InsyaAllah, rasa syukur ini sepanjang hayat, karena mama udah sungguh sungguh merawat dan mendidik kami semua sampe ada di titik yg sekarang ini. Ngga kerasa juga ya, tau tau anak anak mama udah besar semua, udah berkeluarga, menghadirkan cucu cucu yg lucu yg membahagiakan mamapapa meski sekedar ngeliat dr kiriman video wa. Eh, sisa satu lagi sih, si bungsu masih nyelesein sekolah, skrg lg nyicipin kuliah di luar negeri. Ya emang luar negerinya yg paling deket sama indo, hehe Gatau ya ma, berada di tempat baru otomatis membuat dea ketemu sama orang orang baru, dan first impression mereka bisa macem macem banget. Tapi g

An all nighter 🦉

I often go through my twitter timeline, and found some of the threads that discuss about the danger that watching us, the young people, while we're having bad habit. What were the bad habits? You probably have read or heard about this. The habit of begadang, a.k.a sleep too late, well actually everything related to our bad rest management Some of my friends are literally midnight owls, they became very active at night, being very productive. They do their assignment, or maybe study, or maybe have any chitchat with other, or just scrolling down their social media timeline. Ah I forgot, some are having korean drama marathon I suppose. Night is like their free time, and it's very long isn't it? I mean you have time from bada maghrib or isya.. Until the tahajud time 💀 Begadang might be fun but actually it's not good for our health. I often remind my friends about this because I don't want them to be sick (even tho I do begadang sometimes.. But not that I don't get